
About the Downtown Writer's Center | About the YMCA National Writer's Voice | SPRING 2004 READINGS & EVENTS | Help Support the DWC | Spring 2004 Creative Writing Workshops | Contacts and Links | Join the DWC | Y-ARTS at the Cicero Family YMCA | NEW! DWC Poetry Broadside Series
About the YMCA National Writer's Voice

Where Community and Culture Meet.

"We have to think of new, lasting link-ups for books and readers and writers. This is what the YMCA National Writer's Voice is doing across America. And it is unprecedented, crucial, breakthrough work--nothing less than the firing up of synapses in the national mind."
-- E.L. Doctorow, Chair Emeritus

The YMCA National Writer's Voice is a network of independent literary arts centers at YMCAs nationwide. The network is dedicated to giving voice to people through accessible, quality-based, community-driven, and innovative literary arts programming. Writer's Voice centers meet the needs of their communities through local programs, while benefiting from national programs, resources, conferences and funding opportunities.

The YMCA National Writer's Voice (founded in 1990 by poet Jason Shinder, who started the first Writer's Voice center in New York City in 1981), is currently the nation's largest network of literary arts centers. Through its programs, partnerships and broadcast outlets, the YMCA National Writer's Voice annually serves more than 100,000 emerging and professional writers, youth, and other community members at more than 30 YMCAs nationwide.

To find out more about the YMCA National Writer's Voice, contact:
The YMCA National Writer's Voice
YMCA of the USA Arts and Humanities Office
101 North Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606
(800) 872-9622, ext. 8812